Copper Wing Publishing
Fantasy - Sci Fi - Steampunk

Jodi Bracken
Jodi Bracken is an American author and special education teacher. She comes from country roots in southern Utah, and after much adventuring, has settled in Tennessee with her two children in a community she loves very much. When she isn’t writing or spending time with her kids, you can find her in a good book, attempting to paint, or on a walk with a friend.

Children's Chapter Books

The Wistwood Chronicles Book 1
This fantasy chapter book includes a clever fox, moody fairies, nosey gnomes, magic, courage, and was written for kids age 7-10.

The Witch of the Wistwood
The Wistwood Chronicles Book 3
More coming soon!
YA/NA Fantasy

Fate of the Favored
More coming soon!
Buried in the Sand
More coming soon!
An Autism Resource
Written by a special needs teacher and autism momma, Behavior Boundaries provides a parent-friendly introduction to behavior management.